My Heart Can't Beat Unless You Tell  It To Maywin media | Watch online 1

My Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell It To

Horror Thriller
United States
90 min
Jonathan Cuartas
Patrick Fugit, Ingrid Sophie Schram
från 15 år

Dwight och hans viljestarka syster Jessie har ägnat sina liv åt att ta hand om sin lillebror Thomas, som lider av en obotlig sjukdom som hindrar honom från att gå ut i solljuset. Dessutom kan Thomas inte klara sig utan regelbundna intag av människoblod. Trots detta svåra moraliska dilemma kan Jessie och Dwight inte lämna sin bror att dö, så de dödar luffare och vagabonder som de stöter på i vildmarken och tar deras blod. Det ständiga dödandet tär alltmer på syskonen, och den sköra balansen i den sammansvetsade familjen börjar rasa när en ny grannpojke vill bli vän med Thomas.


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My Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell  It ToMy Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell  It ToMy Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell  It ToMy Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell  It ToMy Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell  It ToMy Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell  It ToMy Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell  It ToMy Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell  It To
Pressen om filmen
"A grimly fascinating low-fi debut from writer/director Jonathan Cuartas. The horror here comes less from the amount of bodies and gore on display than it does from that point when family ties begin to choke"
Peter Sobczynski,
"Through bursts of visceral violence and bloodletting, Cuartas uses horror to bolster the drama. It’s an entire meditative, brooding feature that centers on the question of how far you would go in the name of family. Cuartas captures that in the form of personal sacrifice and ruination, in the most bittersweet and devastating way."
Meagan Navarro,
Bloody Disgusting
"Director Jonathan Cuartas delivers a chilling tale of family, desperation, and blood in his first feature... With a standout performance by Patrick Fugit (Almost Famous, Gone Girl) and sublime cinematography, Heart Can’t Beat is a fantastic addition to vampiric filmmaking. "
Kyle Amato,
Boston Hassle
"Landing somewhere between intense, realistic family drama and arthouse horror, Jonathan Cuartas’ My Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell it To is an oddly moving tale about social isolation, loneliness, and illness."
John Fink,
The Film Stage
"A visually striking meditation on obligation and complicity."
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